How To Survive A Rip Current
how to survive a rip current can be one of the most terrifying experiences you can find yourself in. Rip currents are a natural hazard in the ocean due to their shape, which resembles a narrow-plank boat with the stern sticking out at sea. When a rip tide comes, a rip Current is like a huge wave moving through the ocean. The rip currents can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small to monstrous waves. Some rip currents are accompanied by swarms of fish or sharks.
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How to survive a rip current: - Unless you plan on paddle boarding directly into the middle of one, it is best to simply plan on staying dry. Paddle boarding can lead to a deep water rescue, but without any life vests, flotation devices, or even a rudder to propel you out of the water, it is better to just stay dry. Trying to paddle board against a rip present can be like trying to swim against a freight train!
- Evasion. This is the art of moving quickly against a known threat, or against anything that you don't know anything about. In this case, the threat is a rip current! If you are paddle boarding against a current, the best way to "beat" the current is to beat it to the point where you can't see it. There is no way for a human being to outrun a wave, so learn evasive techniques on how to survive a rip current.
How to Survive a Rip Current
- Braking. It is the BEST thing you can do when a rip current is coming, is to turn around and head in the opposite direction! It is very difficult to stop a rip Current, so it is best to turn into it! If you can't do that, then either steer clear of the current or turn as close to it as possible.
- Fog! Fog can be even more dangerous than darkness. The visibility is really bad on a foggy day, and it makes it easy for the currents to sneak up on you and hit you hard. Be sure to dress for success! You are going to be dealing with cold water in the winter, and cold water makes a lot of things itch.
- A Safe Position. It is important to remember that a rip Current is actually pushing water against you at all times, so a good idea is to always be in a stable position, with your chest above the water. Remember to keep a firm grip on the rope, so you have something to grab onto if you get swept away!
- Watch Out for Worms and Lumps. Rips can be caused by many different things, such as a big wave rolling over top of you, or by a slow moving current that is backing up behind you. When approaching a rip, look out for anything that might be hanging down from the sky. These include small rocks, trees, and sometimes road signs or other debris! If you see anything like this while you are out in the water, it's probably not safe to go into the area - it's better to keep going until you are safe again.
Remember that no matter how experienced you are at scuba diving, you are no expert on how to survive a rip current! There are a variety of different things you can do to try to stay safe, including changing your course as soon as you can if the current gets away from you, getting larger rocks or objects under you, and wearing a life vest. Also, it's best to avoid areas that are known to have rip currents. These areas tend to have larger waves, and are generally less predictable, so staying out of these areas when possible is crucial to your own safety.
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